We round up our top five UAE deals, including offers on summer camps, swimming classes, tailoring a dress, online courses and car makeovers.

Our five best UAE deals

  Deal Provider Cost Saving of Description City
1 Get your car cleaned and polished Cobone AED 299 AED 1,201 The service also includes scratch removal, polishing, washing, waxing and detail cleaning. Dubai
2 Enroll for swimming classes at Al Nasr Sports Deal Gobbler AED 550 AED 650 This voucher covers 12 swimming classes for men, women and children in an indoor pool. Each class is 45 minutes long. Dubai
3 Send your kids to five-day summer camp at Funky Monkeys Playland Groupon AED 299 AED 301 Summer camp activities include cooking classes, dance and fitness. You can upgrade the voucher to include a kid’s meal. Dubai
4 Design your own dress and get it stitched Groupon AED 99 AED 171 This voucher covers the stitching of three dresses with simple designs. Additional money will be charged for getting beading or other detail work done. Abu Dhabi
5 Enroll for an online business etiquette course Nail the Deal AED 19 n/a The online course has 12 modules covering topics such as networking for success, business email etiquette and dressing for success. Dubai

Sources: CoboneGroupon, Deal Gobbler, Nail the Deal