Our five best offers this week in the UAE

  Deal Provider Cost Saving of Description City
1 Get your home carpets serviced and cleaned Groupon AED 379 AED 901 This voucher will cover the cleaning of four carpets. Service also includes treatment for bacteria and fungi Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman
2 Stay for a night at Danat Al Ain with suhoor options Triperna AED 399 AED 201 This voucher covers a one-night stay and suhoor for two people. There is an option to include iftar for an additional cost Dubai
3 Buy four, 7-star movie tickets for Novo Cinemas at World Trade Center Mall Groupon AED 549 AED 171 This voucher covers four tickets and snacks and drinks up to AED 30 Abu Dhabi
4 Get a comprehensive check-up of your car Yalla Banana AED 130 n/a Service includes filter change, engine oil change and fluid top-up for your car Dubai
5 Donate a meal box this Ramadan from Village Circle Restaurant Hit the Deals AED 8 n/a Iftar will be delivered to various labor camps and construction sites Dubai

Sources: GrouponYalla Banana, Hit the Deals, Triperna

[Also read: Big Deals Digest: Top five UAE deals 25/06]