The key to financial security lies in proper budgeting. However, starting a budget is the easy part. The  tricky part comes when you have to stick to your budget, given the day-to-day financial challenges you face. Money shortages, materialistic temptations, and other typical problems can ultimately jeopardize your financial objectives.

In this article, we’re going to be discussing a few common budget-related hurdles and how to get past them.

I can’t account for sudden cash shortages

A basic issue many face is periods of money-related starvations, which vary upon the time when the next paycheck comes in. Delays in payments are more common than you think here in the UAE, and they could distort a person’s financial mechanism for the month.


What you have to consider when you make a financial plan is the manner in which your budget is organized. Such money deficiencies can emerge when you aimlessly pursue unsuitable planning strategies. You must create an avenue for addressing the probability of a delayed payment.

I don’t have a steady cash flow

Having a stream of income that is not steady is also a common challenge encountered by people, especially freelancers or those who run home-based businesses. And it obviously brings up budgeting problems.


Plan for these inadequacies and make channels in your budget that can address chances of such shortfalls. Whenever you have surplus cash inflow, plan and set aside a portion of your cash to cover costs towards the start of the following month. You could spare a percentage of your monthly payment, with the goal of creating an emergency fund for such periods of shortfalls as well.

[Related: 5 Leaky Spots In Your Budget You Need To Patch Up]

I’m not good at math

For some, numbers and calculations can elicit memories of struggling to cope with the complexity of math, and accounting is yet again observed as a challenge.


The good news is that budgeting is not a befuddling algebra problem you cannot solve. All you need to know is basic addition and subtraction to total up your income and subtract your estimated expenditure to arrive at a sum you can save. Maintain a physical record of everything you earn and spend to make budgeting easier. You could also opt for a user-friendly budgeting app that does the hard work for you.

My spouse/family overspends

A few people find that they are extraordinary budgeters when they’re single. But they end up being controlling or anxious once they start budgeting with their spouse or family members. Financial planning as a team is definitely challenging. When you begin overseeing financial budgets with your loved one, you may often find yourself quarrelling over costs and spending plans.


You must go over the budgeting strategy and financial goals together at the start. Be willing to make a few compromises here and there. Decide if you want to merge finances or keep them fully or partially separated. You can then split financial responsibilities as you see fit. Remember to take the time to review your budget together every week or month.

Everything is so expensive

Rising cost of living and steadily increasing expenses in this day and age are a genuine problem most people face. Failing to account for theses changes, can dampen the success of your budget.


The solution to this could be attempting to expand your income to account for the rising expenses, or limiting your spending to stay within your means. It is also important to steer clear of unnecessary debt at this time.

In conclusion..

Handling budgets can be stressful during times of financial instability. However, creating some wiggle-room to accommodate these instabilities is essential to managing your budget.