Want to get ahead at work and increase your income at the same time, but not sure how? Here are potentially 10 ways to help your career and your earnings take a step forward.

1. Network, network, network

The Middle East is very much a relationship based society. Get out there and meet people.  Talk about what you do, your achievements and what you are good at.  Just make sure you do not sound arrogant in doing so but make yourself known out there as an expert in your field.  Get those business cards and follow up with people you meet and who you think can be helpful.  Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network.

 2. Step up

If you want to be noticed, offer to help with tasks unrelated to your job role. While you don’t want to jeopardize your position in any way, going that extra mile will ingratiate you with your bosses and ensure they know you are around.

 3. Rewrite your CV

Dusting down the same resume over and over again will not necessarily help you get that next job. Ask an industry expert to look at your CV to see how it can be sharpened and reshaped for the current market. There is nothing better than showing results in your resume.  What have you achieved in your previous jobs? This can be increase in sales, increase in productivity, decrease in costs – everything can be measured in terms of progress.  Be sharp, short and to the point.

 4. Go back to school

Going back to university to do a masters or an MBA could take your career to the next level by making you more attractive to prospective employers. Those worrying about financing such a move need not worry. There are plenty of education loans on offer in the UAE, which can help to make that happen. ADIB, for example, offers Education Finance at a profit rate of 9.25% with no instalments for the first 3 months. But do your research and compare all Education loans options before you commit.

5. Get a mentor

There is nothing better than someone in the same profession as you who is further up the ladder and can help to guide you there. Find one now.

6. Make the right impression

Whether it’s a step up in your existing company or joining another, the way you present yourself is more relevant than you realize. So get your suit dry cleaned, update your haircut and dress appropriately. It matters.

7. Read more

If you want to know what is important to your industry or what jobs are out there, read everything you can about it. The more you know, the easier it is to get ahead.  If you are looking at changing industry, go do your research and your homework.  Find out who the leaders are both in terms of companies and individuals.  Get to know the industry inside out as this is what will show your commitment.

8. Tidy your desk

Whether it’s your physical desk in the office or your virtual desktop, re-organizing all your files, documents and emails will help you clear out the clutter and focus on the job in hand.

9. Get a grip on your finances

It may sound stupid, but if you are not in control of your finances at home, then you won’t be able to focus at work properly. If you are panicking about getting a pay rise because you need to pay off debts, it will affect your performance in the office. So whether you need to consolidate debts into one loan or to save more into a savings account, get a grip on your accounts so that you can focus on doing a good job.

10. Stay positive and be energized

Nobody likes to work with a moaner so the sunnier your outlook and attitude, the better your future. Positive energy is infectious particularly in an office environment where you often work in close proximity with others.  When you are out networking, show your passion for what you do or want to do.