welcomes its first customers in Bahrain – In style!

How often does buying car insurance give you the red carpet treatment? Our team had a fabulous surprise in store for our first customers in Bahrain – Keep reading to know more! officially launched its flagship car insurance comparison platform in Bahrain in September. Following the launch, we’ve garnered a lot of attention locally, and for all the right reasons!

We’ve introduced car owners in Bahrain to an all-online, simple and speedy car insurance-buying process. Our seamless platform allows you to compare multiple quotes from the country’s leading insurance companies. Whatever’s on your agenda when buying car insurance – A simple Third Party Liability (TPL) insurance or a comprehensive policy, unique add-on benefits or basic coverage – We’ve got you covered.

[Related: Buying your first car insurance? Keep this in mind]

As we expand our reach further into the market, our team wanted to thank our first customers in Bahrain for trusting us with their car insurance needs.

Brice L. and Abdullah Mohamed were the first two customers to use’s comparison platform to purchase their car insurance. As a token of our appreciation, we surprised them with gift vouchers from The Four Seasons!

Brice successfully bought a comprehensive car insurance policy for his Maserati Ghibli. We asked him what he liked most about the website, and this is what he had to say…

“It’s ergonomic, user-friendly, intuitive, fast and more importantly first of its kind for the Bahrain market.”

Commenting on how the platform compares to the way he bought car insurance earlier, Brice adds, “It brings transparency and insightful comparatives to customers that would take much longer to gather otherwise.”

Would he recommend to friends & colleagues? “Definitely” he says, and goes on to add, “It saves time and the after-sale customer service is prompt, to the point and very professional so the end-to-end customer experience was great for me.”

Abdullah, who bought a TPL car insurance policy for his Hyundai Sonata, also had some good things to say about his overall experience using He tried the website and found it to be “seamless and convenient”. He happened to find our website online and simply “followed the flow” to compare his options and buy a policy that met his requirements.

[Related: Comprehensive vs. Third Party Motor Insurance]

Besides the obvious benefits of comparing before buying, offers some other unique perks to car insurance buyers in Bahrain.

  • Got a quote but don’t want to buy immediately? You can simply save the quote and retrieve it later.
  • Not comfortable going through the entire purchase process online? Our team can assist you and offer you quotes on WhatsApp too!
  • Want a car insurance deal that makes you go ‘Wow’? We offer you some great deals and discounts with your car insurance purchase. Enjoy discounted flights, hotel stays and more with our Cleartrip vouchers worth BHD 15. Make the most of your online shopping with our WafiApps discount vouchers worth BHD 2.

And the entire process of buying your car insurance from is incredibly fast too. Generating quotes takes under 1 minute and having your policy delivered to your inbox takes just 60 minutes. Experience it for yourself, today!

Comprehensive vs. Third Party Motor Insurance

Confused between comprehensive and third party car insurance? You’re not alone! Many car owners skip understanding the basics of these two car insurance categories before choosing a policy for themselves. We explain the difference and help you figure out which one’s right for you needs.

If you’re new to the car insurance market in Bahrain, one of the first questions you’d ask is – What’s the difference between comprehensive and third party insurance? In fact, not just new car owners, many seasoned ones don’t understand the concept behind these two types of car insurance policies either.

Knowing how both comprehensive and third party car insurance work, is the first step in helping you decide which option is right for you. 

The explains the difference between the two…

Comprehensive insurance

Comprehensive car insurance, as the name suggests, provides a comprehensive cover to car owners. To start with, this type of insurance covers third party liability i.e., protects the insured against legal liability towards a third party. But that isn’t all. It also covers the insured vehicle against accidental damage, loss due to theft, and other damages. Additionally, it also covers the insured driver and passengers in the car by offering compensation in case they suffer accidental bodily injury, along with paying for medical expenses related to such an injury.

This type of holistic car insurance covers a wide range of benefits. Apart from accidental damage, your coverage may include damage to the insured vehicle due to fire, theft, vandalism, natural perils, riots and strikes. The driver is also covered against personal injury sustained while driving, and any emergency medical expenses arising as a result of that are covered too. Apart from standard coverage, car owners can also choose and pay for optional benefits like off-road cover, agency repair, GCC cover, personal accident cover etc. Please note that while some policies may offer these features as part of standard coverage, others may need you to opt in separately.

What does it exclude?

Comprehensive polices come with multiple benefits, but these benefits are subject to multiple exclusions and limitations too. Standard exclusions include losses due to general wear and tear, electrical or mechanical malfunctions, breakdowns etc. Damage to car tires is also excluded from coverage. Unless otherwise specified, damage to / or loss of personal belongings within the car is usually excluded by most insurers too.

Not all comprehensive car insurance policies are created equal. The policy’s overall benefits, specific coverage under different categories, add-on features selected by the policyholder – All play a role in determining your final insurance premium. Many insurers even offer different grades of comprehensive cover at varying price points. recommends that you carefully review the policy fine print before committing.

Third party insurance

This is a far more stripped down, basic form of motor insurance available to car owners in Bahrain. Third party car insurance, as the name suggests, protects you against your legal liability towards a third party. Essentially, it protects you financially in case your car results in the death/bodily injury of a third party individual, as well as damage caused to a third party vehicle or property. 

It is important to mention here – This car insurance coverage is mandatory by law in Bahrain. 

Considering the limited scope and coverage offered under third party insurance, this type of policy is also significantly cheaper than its comprehensive counterpart. 

It is also a good idea to check if the insurance company you’re applying to covers related expenses like court fees and legal defense fees.

What does it exclude?

If you’re opting for third party insurance for your car, it is important to understand that you will receive no compensation for damages sustained by your car. Neither you (the one driving the car) nor your car’s passengers will be covered financially against accidental death or bodily injury under this basic car insurance policy. 

Eventually, knowing how both comprehensive and third party car insurance work, is the first step in helping you decide which option is right for you. 

Comprehensive or Third party cover – Which one should you choose?

Besides your budget, there are a number of factors that help you decide which car insurance variant is right for you. For example, if you have a brand new car it would make sense to opt for a comprehensive cover to avoid paying through the nose for any damages to the car. Alternatively, if you have a much older car that doesn’t cost much to repair, you could go for a third party policy alone.

You can simply visit to compare multiple quotes from leading car insurance providers in Bahrain. Not only can you pick a policy that fits your budget, but also choose between a range of optional features to find a car insurance plan that truly meets all your requirements.