Don’t ignore the fine print when buying Car Insurance: Part 2

Fine print, small print, T&Cs – Call them what you may, it is these details that can truly help you assess the coverage and benefits of a car insurance policy. Let’s uncover some more of this fine print in our follow-up article.


Let’s continue our review of some of the most important factors that can truly help you judge a car insurance policy. In Part 1 of this article we shed some light on features like deductible rate, off-road coverage and car valuation, and how these impact your policy coverage and benefits.

Moving on, let’s explore some other factors that can make or break a car insurance policy. 

Rising premium

When you renew your car insurance policy, you might end up getting a rude shock in the form of a much higher premium. There are several different factors that can push your premium higher over the course of one year. Previous claims made for accidents when you have been at fault, driving offences reflected on your official records, and other factors could drive insurance premiums up. However, you don’t have to renew with your existing insurer when your current policy comes closer to expiry. Comparing your options is the way to go. Switching to a different car insurance provider might not only get you a better deal, but a better and more well-rounded coverage too. 

Vehicle modifications

Car modifications come in a bunch of variants. While minor external modifications like alloy rims and custom paint might not bother the insurer, others like a modified turbocharged engine, changes made to the suspension system and chassis can jeopardize your insurance coverage. Failing to inform the insurer can result in your policy being invalidated and any further claims that you raise, being dismissed. Once you inform the insurer, they may require you to pay an additional premium to cover the modifications or exclude them from the coverage completely.


Cars depreciate in value as time passes, and most of us understand this. But how many of us are aware of the specific process through which an insurance firm sets the depreciation rate for our vehicle when estimating its present value? There are cases where this parameter is set on a higher scale than it’s meant to be. So when reading the policy document, make sure that you are made aware of the exact formula that the insurance firm uses when setting your depreciation rate.

Looking for the right car insurance plan that fits your budget and specifications? Simply visit to compare multiple quotes from leading car insurance providers in Bahrain.

Repair quality 

Check with the insurance firm about how the repairs are carried out and which service centres are on their panel. The company is accountable for offering a fair and high quality of repairs, and preventing low standard repairs. The policy would also specify whether the vehicle is to be repaired at the authorized car dealership’s service center or a non-agency workshop.

Time frame for making a claim

There is always a standard time frame for raising a claim with the insurance company. Make sure you are aware of how much time you would have to submit a claim against your insurance. If you ever encounter a mishap on the road, it’s always better to register an insurance claim immediately or as soon as possible. Delaying a claim submission could impede the claims process and lead your claim to be dismissed.


Most of us are notified of various policy details by an insurance company representative personally, or a call center agent over the phone. However, emphasizes on this time and again – You must review policy benefits independently before choosing which policy to buy. That’s exactly why we allow users to compare policy features and base their purchase decision on facts. Make sure that you read the policy document yourself, as the word of the agent could sometimes be compromised under a ‘salesman’ influence. 

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