The winning of awards can be a very powerful PR tool for SMEs and there are a variety of awards for this sector. But winning is not always easy. In most cases, application forms, case studies, and testimonials all need to be researched, reviewed and written. At Travel Ink, we have prepared a number of award submissions for our clients and here are our top five suggestions to make sure you get selected.

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Tell a story

A good (short!) story can turn the most boring corporate project into an engaging and lively tale. Make it simple, make it real and don’t shy away from bringing a touch of personality into the content. For a happy ending, follow the structure of setting the scene, describing the problem, and how the issue was solved.

Be concise and accurate

Most submissions will guide you in terms of word limits, so make every word count. Avoid marketing and PR jargon in order to be authentic and for every claim, make sure you have accurate results that demonstrate ability. Whether that’s a percentage increase in revenue or a record-breaking profit week, numbers and statistics will help avoid your submission being vague.

[Related: How to be successful in business writing]

Read the guidelines and respond to the question

Take some time to read the guidelines and understand what the judges are looking for. Be specific. Remember that the judges will be reading tens if not hundreds of submissions, so make it easy for them with language that is clear and easy to follow and answers the question. Bullet points, sub-headings and other formatting features can also make entries easier to read.

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The final touches

Proofread your submission before sending it off. If possible, try and get a second pair of eyes on it to catch anything you may have missed or highlight any technical language that may not be understood.

Put aside the time

Good award submissions take time to gather all the material, to research the relevant information and present the best possible case studies. So our top tip – if you don’t have the time, you can always outsource it to the professionals.

Best of luck!

Karen Osman is the Managing Director of Travel Ink, a company which offers content writing and translation services covering industries such as travel, tourism, and hospitality.