“I love paying my bills”
Said nobody, ever.

If there’s one disappointing thing about managing your own finances – It would have to be the bills. Yes, those killjoys. Not only do they eat into your savings, but they’re also boring and cumbersome to manage.

But they must be paid. Because if you ignore bills, they come back to bite you with bigger repercussions – such as penalty fees, higher interest charges and dings on your credit score.

If you’re having trouble keeping track of all your bills, consider developing a monthly process you can follow to deal with them. Here are a few ideas of how you can pay your bills on time, every-time, without wasting time:

#Make a bill checklist

Start by making a list of all your bills and their monthly due dates. This includes bills from utility companies, credit cards, rent or mortgage and any other loans. Stick this list on your refrigerator. Now you have a handy checklist that helps ensure that you don’t miss any of your payments.

[Related: Smarter ways to pay your bills in the UAE]

#Organize your bills in one place

Unorganized bills spread out across your home in different spots can leave you very confused while making payments. You waste time hunting them down, and run the risk of missing deadlines.

Consider creating a dedicated place where you can organize your bills. If you get paper bills in the mail, create a designated folder, box or drawer to have them easily available to you. If you get e-bills, create a special folder on your computer or in your email inbox for these digital statements.

#Create a schedule

Mark bill due dates on a calendar. Then, choose a time when you sit down and pay your bills, whether it’s once a month, twice a month or more. If you sit down only once a month to make payments, be sure to do it so you are paying bills on time or ahead of time. Take advantage of email or text alerts to remind you when bills are due and when you are scheduled to pay them.


To remove some of the stress and time pressure of paying your bills, you can set up automatic payments of your bills through your bank. This way you can streamline the bill-paying process and ensure you pay your bills on time.

However, just because paying bills can be automatic doesn’t mean you should forget about it. You still need to monitor the transactions to make sure you have enough money in your account to cover the bills and that no errors are made, such as being charged twice or charged an incorrect amount. It takes some work on the front end, but by organizing and streamlining your payment process, you’ll ensure you pay your bills on time every month.

[Related: ‘Adulting’ 101: Becoming a financial grown up]


If you’re heading out for a holiday, be sure to add bill payments to your vacation planning. Before you leave, check your newly made bill calendar for any due dates falling on the time you are away. Avoid attracting any late payment fees by pre-paying such bills.

#Get an app

There’s Bill Reminder, BillMinder, Manilla Bills and Reminders for Android and BillTracker for iPhones. Try any one of these easy-to-use apps to help you keep track of your bills and remind you when you are nearing the due date.